Monday Funny: Make it so dry

"No, that is the opposite of what is good." I've wanted to post this for so long but have been afraid to. Finally, my wife asked, "When are you going to post the 'I'm going to make it so dry' video?" So here we go. And thanks again for all of the comments and visits last week. It's so nice to see discussions start up and varying viewpoints come out. 

Warning: While this video is by no means graphic, the subject matter might be considered offensive to some. If you find yourself easily put off by sexual topics, you might want to skip this. However, if you're up for a good laugh this will do it. 


Unknown said...

*died of laughter*

Unknown said...

It's great, isn't it? That has to be my all time favorite line ever. "No, that is the opposite of what is good." lol

Unknown said...

Her teeth ... the way she was chomping them ... *shutters* oh gawd! HAHAHAHAHA!

Mellow Dee said...

Oh, David, you are soooo kinky! :o) So is there any way you can connect this with writing? Writing humorous dialogue? Knowing what to edit out for effect - as in the abrupt end? Make it good, and maybe you'll find your wife has a case of dry-mouth... dry as a desert... just for you! Mwahahaha!

Unknown said...

Uh, no. The evil, unspoken point of Monday Funny is to give my brain a break from thinking new and creative ways to connect everything to writing. Besides, what you suggest is the opposite of what is good. Don't do that to anyone, ever.

Mellow Dee said...

Okay... then I'll just do this one thing I do with my hands...

And hasn't your mind had a break by Monday?! I mean, usually you post M-F, so by Monday you've already had 2 days' rest... Just saying...

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